Wedding photographers’ workshops – individual approach…
Individual wedding photography workshops
My workshops for wedding photographers are very popular. It is because many people find a lot of joy in photographing wedding ceremonies.
For those photographers who seek an individual programme and approach, I am providing individual consultation. It lasts several hours, covers a specified issue and can be done at photographer’s own place.
For more information, please visit: Individual photography workshops.
Wedding photographer training programme
For those who wish to spend more time on their self-development, I am offering an individual „One2One” programme. It is a 40 hours programme of common work and preparation to the profession of a wedding photographer. Offer is limited to 3 photographers per year because „One2One” programme requires considerable amount of my time and it is an individual-focused approach.
So, the wedding photographers’ workshops can have many forms, requiring different time of involvement from photographers. After completion of the programme, photographers are ready to hit the market of the wedding photography and have all the necessary tools to get their first clients.
For more information go to: About „One2One” programme.