Thank you for participation in my workshop for wedding photographers in Romania!
Thank you MWP for support with my workshop for wedding photographers in Turkey!
It will be such an intensive time with wedding photographers and MWP in Turkey. | Next dates and locations available at:
New dates & locations of my workshops for wedding photographers through the world!
Thank you for participation in my workshop for wedding photographers in Croatia...
It was such a great time with wedding photographers in Croatia. | Next dates and locations available at:
Thank you for an intensive workshop for wedding photographers with me and Nik Pekridis in Cracow, Poland!
More images and testimonials from our workshop (Greg Moment + Nik Pekridis together!) for wedding photographers in Cracow you may find visiting:
New inspiration and friends: Greg Moment & Jerry Ghionis & Kelly Brown & Salvatore Dimino & Yervant. Very special time among them...
Such a great time with big names & Yervant's Symposium in Venice.
The prestigious title of "Wedding Photographer of the year 2015" of Master Photographers International Organization !!!
I received today the title of "Wedding Photographer of the year 2015" from Master Photographers International Organization (MPIO). I am so happy and proud !!!
Eight "Silver Award - Honors of Excellence" distinctions in the last WPPI first 1/2 Competition and "Associate of WPPI"!
Nice... I received 8 "Silver Award - Honors of Excellence" distinctions in the last WPPI first 1/2 Competition and at the same time I got promoted to "Associate of WPPI". Thank you!
"Master Photographer in Wedding" distinction of Master Photographers International Organization MPIO
Great news! I just passed and earned my prestigious "Master Photographer in Wedding" distinction of Master Photographers International Organization MPIO.
I am among finalists of Siena International Photo Awards 2015!
I just recevied the information that one or more of my submissions have been shortlisted for the Final Round of Siena International Photo Awards 2015. Great news!