
Greg Moment + CM Leung first time together in Poland! Sold out!


Thank you for fantastic workshop for wedding photographers with me and CM Leung in Warsaw, Poland!


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My workshop in Birmingham this year - sold out!


Thank you for fantastic workshop for wedding photographers in Birmingham, the UK!

More images and testimonials from my workshop for wedding photographers in Birmingham you may find visiting:

See you next time!



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Fantastic workshop for wedding photographers in Dublin sold out!

Thank you for fantastic workshop for wedding photographers in Dublin!

More images and testimonials from my workshop for wedding photographers in Dublin you may find visiting:

See you next time!

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Workshop for wedding photographers in Zagreb, Croatia ? October 2015

I would like to announce my next international workshop for wedding photographers in Zagreb, Croatia - 06/07.10.2015. More at:
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"Highly Commended" distinction in the category: "Wedding Photojournalistic" SWPP

Yesterday "Honors of Excellence: Silver Award" from WPPI... and today another great news!

Over 1,400 images entered in to competition of SWPP in February 2015 and... I received "Highly Commended" distinction in the category: "Wedding Photojournalistic" of Monthly Image Competition of Society of Wedding & Portrait Photographers! This is the second "Highly Commended" distinction in a raw.

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I am among winners and finalists of ONE EYELAND 2014 competition (category: wedding)

I am among winners and finalists of ONE EYELAND 2014 competition (category: wedding)!

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Workshop for wedding photographers in Dublin, Ireland - July 2015

I would like to announce my next international workshop for wedding photographers in Dublin, Ireland- 13/14.07.2015. More at:
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Międzynarodowy Fotograf Roku 2014 | The Best Award - Photographer of The Year 2014

Tytuł "Międzynarodowy Fotograf Roku 2014" na prestiżowym Międzynarodowym Festiwalu Filmu i Fotografii 2014 w Singapurze dla mnie !!! | "The Best Award - Photographer of The Year 2014" of the International Film and Photography Festival 2014 in Asia for me !!!

Właśnie dotarła do mnie informacja o otrzymaniu tytułu: "Międzynarodowy Fotograf Roku 2014" na prestiżowym Międzynarodowym Festiwalu Filmu i Fotografii 2014 w Singapurze! | "The Best Award - Photographer of The Year 2014" of the International Film and Photography Festival 2014 in Asia for me!

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"Diamentowa nagroda" dla mnie | "Diamond Award" for the image "The Bride in Tuscany"

Prestiżowe nagrody "Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Filmu i Fotografii 2014" rozdane. "Diamentowa Nagroda" dla mnie!!! | "Diamond Award" of the International Film and Photography Festival 2014 in Asia for the image "The Bride in Tuscany".

Właśnie dotarła do mnie informacja o otrzymaniu "Diamentowej Nagrody" za zdjęcie "Panna Młoda w Toskanii" na prestiżowym Międzynarodowym Festiwalu Filmu i Fotografii 2014 w Singapurze.

"Diamond Award" of the International Film and Photography Festival 2014 in Asia for the image "The Bride in Tuscany". Moreover, I am among 3 candidates for "The Best Award - Photographer of The Year 2014" title !!!

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Warsztaty dla fotografów ślubnych: Ambasador Nikona Nik Pekridis w Krakowie - wrzesień 2015!

Zapraszam fotografów ślubnych na jedyne tego typu warsztaty fotografii ślubnej z Ambasadorem Nikona w Europie: Nik Pekridis w Krakowie, 15/16 września 2015

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